Finding the right people and talents to work in your company is challenging. The candidates will add only the best achievements on their resumes and claim they are the perfect fit for the position in the cover letter.
But, as an interviewer, you should know what questions to ask and evaluate the answers objectively to determine if the candidate is the right one for you.
If you are worried about finding the right people, we have a list of questions that will help you during the interview process.
1. What do you know about our business, and why do you wish to work here?
This is a great opening question you can ask instead of the classic “Tell me something about yourself”. It’s an opportunity to see which candidates did their homework and really want the job and separate them from the ones who are not interested enough.
Even though you know everything about your company, it’s interesting to hear it from their perspective and assess the candidate right away. Interested people will come prepared.
2. Why are you quitting your current position?
This simple question can tell you a lot about the candidate, the relationships they form and the future expectations they might have from you.
In addition, it’s always good to know in advance if the candidate has unrealistic expectations or has a habit of quitting too many jobs in one year. The personal relationships formed at the workplace can make a big difference in overall results.
3. What are your best qualities?
This is an opportunity for the candidate to shine and gain confidence and at the same time a great chance for you to assess the situation even better. The answers might sound like bragging, but a good candidate will always back up the claims with examples.
In case they don’t offer the first-hand experience you can always ask additional questions to confirm the qualities they claim to have.
4. What are your flaws?
Another great question that will put the applicant under slight pressure and allow you to see their reactions.
It’s important to notice willingness to learn and move forward, not just the simple flaws they might be listing. As long as the candidate is aware that there are some real issues they can work on it’s a good sign they might be a great fit for your company.
5. Do you work best alone or on a team?
Depending on the position you are interviewing the candidate for, this might be an important question to ask.
If you are looking for someone to work in the kitchen or as seasonal staff, they might be better off as team players. On the other hand, if you are looking for a sous chef you might want a leader on your team.
6. Where do you picture yourself in five years?
While this question might be common and boring to hear every time, it’s a great opportunity for the right candidates to shine. It’s important that they see themselves in your company and it’s great to hear they are willing to learn and be promoted.
While plans can change it’s important to find people with a vision and desire to succeed.
7. How do you manage the pressure?
If you want to fill out a management position and want only the top talent working for you this question can help you a lot. Pay close attention to the answer and always ask for a story to back up the experience they mentioned.
8. What was the most fascinating project you worked on in your previous position?
This seemingly simple and relaxing question will let you know what the potential employee likes and what you can do to increase their satisfaction on a professional level.
It’s important to make your employees comfortable and happy, considering they will be more motivated to stay and increase productivity.
9. Why should we hire you?
Allow the applicants to show you why they are the perfect fit for the position. It’s always a good idea to consider people who are open-minded, realistic about their performance, and willing to grow with your business.
10. Do you have any questions for me?
The concluding part of the interview is a great opportunity to see which candidates have additional questions and really want to know more about the role.
It will show you who is passionate about the job and who will give their all if hired. The questions are usually straightforward about the deadline for applications, the next stages, and general information about the company.
Final Thoughts on Interview Questions
Preparing for every interview is important for the applicants but also for the employers. Considering how challenging it is to find and keep top talents, many business owners now employ specialized recruiting agencies to do all the work for them.
With the professional help and experience, those recruiting agents have, you will be one step closer to finding the perfect candidate for any position in your company.
But, even if you decide to go through all the interviews yourself, you now have the best questions to ask and answers to expect. With our detailed guide, you will pick the right applicant in no time.